What’s the Best Varnish to use With Lit?
Anything you like, but the clearer the better!.
Anything you like, but the clearer the better!.
All the LITs are different. The classic green one, you can charge with any light source but the yellow will need to be charged with UV, I.E: sunlight. We can't measure the lumens because the brighter the light you charge it with the brighter it will
You can't just mix the LIT with water it won't stick to metal, you need to mix it with Superbase or a clear varnish. Superbase is great with LIT and will work really well, if you want a very clear base then you can use clear nail varnish, but the bas
You can mix it straight in! Putting it in the oven is going to be at your own risk though as we've not actually tested it! I can't see any reason why it can't go up to about 100 degrees C. We'd love to hear from you if you have tried this. Please let
You can mix any of Stuart's glow pigments into latex paint, but the colour of the paint will coat the LIT and effect the amount it will glow. For example if you mix green LIT into green acrylic, the LIT pigment will get coated by the paint so won't g
NOPE it'll burn and make horrible smoke! Please DON'T try this as we want to keep you lovely lot safe.
Yes! They are super fine and should fit through a screen and will mix into a screen printing base medium if it's clear, NOT pigmented!.
No. By mixing the LIT powder with pinkest pink instead of Superbase the glow of the pigment will be diluted. The LIT will do the same to the Pinkest Pink colour too and might appear LESS pink.
It will harden in a couple of days, mix it with clear polish in a little dish then paint your nails!.
It all depends! Normally latex paint coats the particles so they don't glow anywhere near as brightly. It prefers to be mixed into something clear like a varnish and then painted over a latex paint. Superbase is the best thing to mix it in. If you mi
yes, yes and YES! Lit goes into epoxy beautifully, so many artists use it in resin. You can mix it with other pigments too - just be aware that adding other colours to lit in resin will diminish the potency of the glow.Hope that helps
Sadly not! We've been trying really really hard, but because the ingredients we use are so special they cause a reaction when they are mixed into a paint base. There's no way around it, once you mix it in, it will start to go hard. The best thing to