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THE VIVA MEH-GENTAUpdated 2 years ago


Made by Artist Stuart Semple

So here it is, Stuart Semple’s response to Pantone’s colour of the year 2023.

Every year, the PANTONE corporation declares the colour of the year, and manufacturers, fashion designers, homeware makers, textile artists and retailers jump to join the trend. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

As you know Stuart Semple has a big problem with Big-Colour. The corporates that control and dictate how we can use colour. 

PANTONE already turned the screw on creators when they announced they were pay-walling the colour palette in Adobe software, holding the colours random and making creators pay a couple of hundred dollars a year to continue to access them!

Stuart Semple responded by launching FREETONE a completely free plugin for Adobe that enables users to continue using and matching the colours they love at no cost. 

Now Pantone has waded into PINK territory by declaring their bland salmon magenta, the colour of 2023. 

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